Overall, this has been a productive and fun week. Flutterby and I have had good quality experiences. I have learned a few new things which will make my life easier.
First, I have remedied the complaining over doing vision therapy. However understandable the protest, as it is hard work, this was truly making my nuts. Flutterby has eight months of vision therapy to correct her convergence insufficiency, so 6 days a week of whining and complaining was not going to work! I decided to resort to bribery.
I took her last Friday to the toy store and let he pick out a toy she has been wanting for a long time. It was the My Little Pony Scootaloo RC on the Go
Another lesson this week is that I must look closely at my plans and make certain I have what I need to implement them. Now this is commonsense of course. But my cursory glances did not reveal key pieces needed to complete the art and science portions. I was able to improvise and move things about, but it would have been easier to be more thorough. It is a rookie mistake of course.
Lastly, I have started to use audio stories again to supplement our daily reading aloud. I try to read aloud to Flutterby for two hours each day. I have avoided audio stories, unless traveling by car. I feared it was like "cheating" and giving her an inferior experience. But considering we have very full days together filled with learning and hands on experiences, supplementing 30-45 minutes each day with an audio story won't do harm. In fact, it helps me which has to help her in my mind. It reminds me that the homeschool experience is a process of learning along with your child. An important lesson to learn is that using aids and asking for help is okay.
I have noticed that as a homeschooler, I am constantly evaluating myself. I don't want to take shortcuts, but am often too hard on myself. I can easily start judging my work, and thus the work of my child, against that of others. I feel as though I have been blessed with the greatest responsibility God can bestow on a person, helping to form and grow this person. I don't want to screw it up!
Yet, there is a balance to be struck and I am still navigating my path to find that balance. I am learning from others and through prayer, God is guiding me in that which I should do. I look forward to the next adventure and the next learning experience for me!
"Take My yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:29)