Tuesdays are quite full for us because my little Flutterby has both vision therapy and occupational therapy. So our “homeschooling” is a bit limited on Tuesdays because she is working so hard doing other things. I follow her lead and only do as much as she is interested in doing on Tuesday.
So here is what we did today:
We started with vision therapy at the doctor’s office. Flutterby did a wonderful job and Daddy was able to come and see a whole session for the first time. After vision therapy, we came home and had lunch. Then we left and went to occupational therapy. Again Flutterby did excellent. So after her OT session, we went to the park for about an hour.
Once home, we watered the garden and planted more carrots. We decided to try container gardening with these carrots. They are the Thumbelina variety, so they are shorter and chubbier. I think they will do well in containers. Plus, Flutterby really has a green thumb and her container herb garden is flourishing.
Once she finished in the garden, Flutterby did her listening therapy. While she did her listening therapy, she completed her large continent puzzle
by Melissa & Doug. Once she completed the puzzle and her therapy, we moved to doing some lessons. Here is what our work involved:
· Narration throughout 1.5 of read aloud
Our books today consisted of:
Today our books were completely Flutterby’s pick, so they were a mix of seasons and topics. The chapter book is basically twaddle and does involve some topics with which I don’t necessarily agree. But it gives me a chance to discuss my opinions about them, like tarot cards, and express what the Biblical perspective is. I decided not to shelve it because she adores it thus far. It has a girl who can become a mermaid after all! As long as it stays mild and we can discuss, I won’t shelve it.