We’re taking Friday off and enjoying the day. It has been another good week of learning for Flutterby and me. We have learned new things and reviewed things from the past year with Classical Conversations.
Flutterby has done well with her lessons and has hit her stride. She is enjoying the re-introduction of RighStart B and is so much more ready now. She has also enjoyed working in the garden, going for bike rides on the Silver Comet trail, and going to the park.
Flutterby also reviewed her CC memorization. She has her classification of living things, part of her list of prepositions, some of her geography, all of her Latin noun endings (1st declension), and her skip counting by 3s and 4s down pat. This is a pleasant surprise as we didn't work hard on it at CC, so in review it is lovely to see her recalling it.
Flutterby has done well with her lessons and has hit her stride. She is enjoying the re-introduction of RighStart B and is so much more ready now. She has also enjoyed working in the garden, going for bike rides on the Silver Comet trail, and going to the park.
Flutterby also reviewed her CC memorization. She has her classification of living things, part of her list of prepositions, some of her geography, all of her Latin noun endings (1st declension), and her skip counting by 3s and 4s down pat. This is a pleasant surprise as we didn't work hard on it at CC, so in review it is lovely to see her recalling it.
I have learned that time and pacing are key. Flexibility is also extremely important of course. Although I am very relaxed with Flutterby, I can be hard on myself. So I am continuing to work on going with the flow.
A for our studies, Flutterby completed lessons as follows…
Phonics: 100 EZ Lessons
, lessons 36-39
Math: Counting by 4s and RightStart B
Lessons 1-3
Writing: Kumon Number 1-30
pages 32-37
Read Aloud w/Narration: 2 hours each day including The Bible, classics like Helen of Troy, and fun like The Tail of Emily Windsnap
Reading to Mommy: As desired, reading Phonics Comics
Vision Therapy: Once daily
Listening Therapy: Twice Daily
We also did various art, science, and other fun through exploring outside and other hands-on activities. I have daily reports listed throughout the week which can be accessed in the archive.
Thanks for visiting!
May 14, 2010 at 2:45 PM
Sounds like a great week!