Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise. Proverbs 19:20 NIV
One of the most beautiful aspects of homeschooling is learning as parents. God provides us with endless methods to learn and grow, including through our own children! We learn from our children, through their experiences, how to be patient, see the world through small eyes, and to look for the joy in each day (among many other priceless lessons). We learn more about ourselves through the process. However, a part of the process can be frustrations or stumbling blocks.
Something we have discovered through the homeschooling process is that difficulties give us an opportunity to try a new approach. One approach we have found effective is allowing the child to be the "teacher." Essentially, this process is the transformation of knowledge into instruction. My daughter has fallen in love with this concept.
When we reach a wall in our learning together, I will ask her to gather "her pupils" or I will act as her student. We pull out paper or her easel and she demonstrates something she knows or is working on learning to her class of stuffed animals or baby dolls. She will explain the process or item very carefully to her students, which is quite adorable and useful at the same time!
Some of her "lessons" include teaching numbers, letters, words, telling stories, drawing, or how to make shapes. To a four year old, the experience is quite empowering and reinforces that which she is learning. If she gets stuck, she often asks her assistant "Mommy" to help her out. I know my daughter appreciate being able to express herself, be creative, be the leader, and to role play.
If things are a bit stale or stagnant, try letting your child teach you for a while, you may learn something new in the process!